Prof. Sarah OlsonAustralia
Princess Alexandra hospital
Current Position
01/2006 to present VMO Princess Alexandra Hospital Brisbane, Greenslopes and Mater hospitals
2023 to present Surgical Education and training board chair
2016 to present Gamma knife clinical delivery
Academic Experiences
2006 - 2024senior lecturer at University of Queensland
Professional Experiences
2016 - 2018President of the neurosurgery society of australasia
Specialty & Expertise
Functional neurosurgery, neurooncology, radio surgery , facial pain, pituitary surgery
About Me
Past president neurosurgery society of Australasia Current surgical education and training board chair of neurosurgery. Special interests in Functional neurosurgery, neurooncology, radio surgery , facial pain, pituitary surgery
Presentation Information
Starting a functional neurosurgery unit
1110 08:40-08:50
Functional Neurosurgery & Epilepsy/304A
Functional neurosurgery encompasses deep brain stimulation, thalamotomies, pain and epilepsy and Laser Interstital thermal ablation. DBS, Gamna knife, Litt were all new introductions. This presentation describes what we do at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, Queensland Australia, how we started the program and overcoming obstacles that stood in our way.
Presentation Information
20 years of pituitary surgery what I have learned
1108 15:20-15:30
Over the last twenty years pituitary surgery has evolved considerably from open resection to transeptal endonasal or transoral to endonasal and lastly endoscopic endonasal. The procedure in experienced hands has low morbidity. Defining the tumour and protecting the pituitary have become far important than in the past. New surgical technology, new medical and radio surgical options will be discussed and the impact of hypopituitism. An argument will be made for up front surgical treatment in prolactinomas. The argument also for not using lumbar drains is also discussed.